What’s new at the Healing Hut?


July 2020

Although I’ve never been pregnant, I have a new appreciation for the practice of waiting for a birth! It was sometime in the middle of May that I realized the Pandemic was going to be more than a brief pause in my massage practice, and that I had been given an opportunity to make some new choices about what I want my practice to become. During that time, I conceived the vision of a screened-in healing hut nestled in the edge of the woods where we can engage in nature-based healing work together.

To continue the analogy, I feel as though I’ve just completed my first trimester – you know, the part where there’s not a lot to see, but there is plenty of important work going on behind the scenes. We have finalized the design work for the hut, including some sweet details in the roofline and even a little cupola on top to assist in ventilation. We have cleared a walking path through the trees to the building site, and the site itself. My husband Jim has calculated all the building materials we will need and has made some progress with the permitting. When the permit is granted, we’ll be ready to start construction!

I am not by nature a patient person, so these last three months have been challenging for me.  But there is a lesson for me here. Just as it would not make sense for a pregnant woman to frustrate herself by wishing she could skip ahead in her pregnancy to when the baby arrives, maybe this time of incubation is exactly what needs to happen. Maybe the resting, and the dream time, and just being present with what is has altered my landscape as a healer. In the Niasziih tradition, I am a place; or more specifically, a place of healing. The healing hut is an outward manifestation of my internal place, and when I step away from my impatient nature, I get to notice how it is unfolding just as it is meant to.

Yes, I am excited and can hardly wait to step into the healing hut with you and get to work! And, I am content in the present moment – most of the time – knowing that everything is growing and developing in perfect timing.


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