Are you blindfolded to your vision?

What’s your vision? Are you aware of your reason for being here on the planet – the highest purpose for your life?

I think of vision as my guiding light – and it’s related to who I am at my very core and what I desire to create in this lifetime. My vision is my truth, just mine, and yours is yours alone too – and as such it is not affected by external circumstances or other peoples’ opinions. It’s a “no wrong answers” kind of thing.

You may be aware of your vision, or you may not. You might have known it as a child and then forgotten. Maybe you sense it in moments of indescribable joy. I hope so.

Sometimes getting in touch with your own vision takes effort. Discerning my vision helped me change the nature of my practice, and when I felt the truth of it in my bones, I wrote it down and made a public commitment to it. I want to share it with you:

I commit to being a healer, living in alignment with my vision of staying in deep loving contact with myself so that I can offer healing to others through my presence, touch, teaching and writing. To express my brilliance as an Elder, Crone, and Bad-Ass in love with Mystery and dancing with Creation.

This vision has become my guide and my touchstone, in the sense that it helps me make choices on a daily basis. When faced with a decision, I ask myself “Is this choice in alignment with my vision?” and if the answer is yes, I move toward it. If the answer is no, I move away. As they say, it’s simple, but not always easy.

Of course, like many of us, I spent much of my life oblivious to even having a vision. It’s not really a question we’re taught to ask ourselves! But when I began to have an inkling that my life’s purpose actually was to be a healer (read: many people reflected this to me over the years but I promptly “forgot” each time), I did a good job of ignoring that information. But here’s the funny thing:

If you’re living your life out of alignment with your vision, you may experience a sense of unease, or discomfort, of something being not quite right in your life.

That unease may even manifest physically, as if your body is trying to get your attention. Well, it probably is! I see this show up most often as tense shoulders, digestive disturbances, and headaches, but it can appear in countless ways. We are each unique.

It’s usually easier to remain blind to misalignment – that is, until we can no longer ignore our discomfort. Often it can feel as though we have no choice in life. My circumstances keep me stuck, we say. External forces beyond my control keep me trapped. These thoughts feel very true. 

But are they? If you’re curious to know what your body has to say on the matter, I would love to help you listen.

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